About LDI
If you have never heard of
Life Decisions International (LDI),
please allow us to offer this introduction.

Our Unique Contribution
Life Decisions International (LDI) plays an important and unique role in the Pro-Life Movement.
Life Decisions International has been dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death since incorporating in 1992.
Life Decisions International focuses on exposing and opposing the agenda of Planned Parenthood, the world’s primary advocate of legal abortion.
Life Decisions International has been fighting against funding for Planned Parenthood by government (all levels), nonprofits, foundations, and corporations for nearly three decades.
Life Decisions International is best known for publishing The Boycott List, which identifies corporate supporters of Planned Parenthood.
Life Decisions International is known for publishing a list of charitable organizations that in one way or another are advancing the Culture of Death.
Life Decisions International is known for publishing quality educational brochures and creating innovative methods of sharing the pro-life message.
And much more!

In his book Killer Angel, the esteemed George Grant wrote that Patricia Pitkus Bainbridge and Douglas R. Scott, Jr., are “among the finest thinkers, writers, and researchers in the area of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger [Planned Parenthood's founder], and the abortion issue.”
Unquestionably one of the world’s leading experts on Planned Parenthood, Mrs. Bainbridge is Executive Director Emeris of Life Decisions International (LDI). She is past president of Human Life International (HLI) and former director of the Respect Life Office for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockford (Ill.). She had previously served as a Chapter Leader and New York State Coordinator for the Christian Action Council (CAC).
Mrs. Bainbridge is a former college professor. She holds a master’s degree in Speech and Language Pathology.
Mrs. Bainbridge is among the most respected pro-life champions in the United States and around the world.
Mr. Scott has authored several books, most notably Bad Choices: A Look Inside Planned Parenthood. He is the former executive director of National Right to Life Committee Inc.’s affiliates in the states of Washington and Arizona. He also served as Christian Action Council vice president for public policy.
In 1988, working with the Reagan administration, Mr. Scott successfully secured political asylum for a Chinese family threatened with forced abortion. (You may read more about the political asylum granted to the Li family on LDI’s Facebook page.)
In 1989, Mr. Scott founded the Corporate Funding Project (CFP), which focuses on educating corporate officials about the agenda of Planned Parenthood to convince them to deny financial support to the extremist group. A boycott of corporations that support Planned Parenthood is advocated so those who value human life do not fund its deadly agenda — directly or indirectly.
Mr. Scott holds two Bachelor of Arts degrees (Political Science and Education). He is a member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and past president of the Humane Society in the Virginia County where he resides.
For 45 years, Mr. Scott has been considered one of the most skilled strategists in the Pro-Life Movement. He is also considered one of the best speakers in defense of life in the United States and worldwide.

A respected Board of Directors establishes policy on pro-life issues, political strategy, and fiduciary accountability. This talented group of volunteers does not serve as a “puppet” board. They are active participants, overseers, and policymakers in the aforementioned areas. They ensure that LDI employs only the highest ethical standards. While the leaders of some groups are accountable to no one or have a “board of directors” that has little or no involvement and serves as a “rubber stamp,” those who lead LDI understand that accountability is biblically mandated and simply good practice in general.
With the exception of those areas explicitly noted above, LDI’s President is wholly responsible for all operations of the organization and has wide authority to operate LDI as he deems appropriate.
The names of those persons serving on the Boards of Directors and Advisors may be viewed.

LDI is a fully independent organization. LDI works in cooperation with individuals and groups who recognize that human life is precious, regardless of the stage of growth.
LDI will never accept money from a political party or candidate. LDI is not allied with any political party. Anyone associated with LDI who works for or endorses a candidate for office does so strictly as an individual.

LDI’s leaders believe pro-life organizations must employ the highest standards of ethics in all operations — even more so than that expected of the rest of world?
LDI’s leadership are dedicated to being faithful to their calling in a God-honoring manner. They will speak the truth and only the truth. LDI will quickly and vocally point out untruths whenever they are disseminated by others.
With the exception of confidential strategic planning, LDI will never withhold information. Truth is on our side. The release of false, misleading or exaggerated information cannot be justified from either a strategic or moral perspective.
LDI leaders will never knowingly take an action or inaction that compromises our integrity or the cause of Life.

LDI leaders wholeheartedly embrace a policy that condemns the use of violence as a means of achieving their goals:
“While LDI steadfastly upholds the free exercise of constitutional rights, its leaders unequivocally condemn acts of violence committed in the name of the Pro-Life Movement. Violence is morally reprehensible and contradicts the fundamental premise that every human life is precious and deserving of respect. In line with this policy, LDI will accept only those words and deeds that are life-affirming and God-honoring in dealing with the abortion holocaust and related evils. No amount of justification will change the truth; violence is wrong–in and out the womb. This policy is a deeply held conviction and will not be ignored, weakened or altered for any reason whatsoever.”
Any person who disagrees with this policy is invited to withhold support.

LDI is funded by the donations of those who recognize the importance of this unique mission. LDI asks people to prayerfully consider supporting this work to the degree they are able.
LDI strives to keep its educational materials as inexpensive as possible so it would be impossible to survive on income received from such orders alone.
LDI is incorporated and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable, nonprofit, education organization. All donations sent to LDI by U.S. taxpayers are deductible as allowed by law. For details, please visit the IRS website.

Fiscal Management
All policies regarding fiduciary accountability are established by LDI’s respected Board of Directors. This talented group of volunteers actively overseers LDI’s finances to ensure that LDI employs only the highest ethical standards. Furthermore, a certified public accountant serves on LDI’s Board of Advisors.
In addition to policies that require strict fiscal management and accountability, LDI’s Board of Directors has approved the following related policies:
LDI will not do business with a profit-making entity with which an employee or member of the Board of Directors has personal financial ties unless an appropriate blind bid process has been employed. Some pro-life leaders have amassed great personal wealth by engaging in such unethical practices. (For more information, see the May-June 2010 edition of The Caleb Report, “Planned Parenthood Gets Four Stars,” pages 4-6.)
2. Paid staff members may not serve as voting members of the Board of Directors.
LDI has an exceedingly small budget, particularly in comparison to those of other nationwide/international organizations. But LDI policies make it clear that whether the budget be large or small, there is no excuse for unbiblical/unlawful behavior or practices. We realize that every gift received is from caring people who have enough faith in LDI’s leadership that they are willing to share a portion of their hard-earned income with us. We will never take this for granted.

LDI does not use fundraising tactics that are mere gimmicks and we never will, regardless of how successful they may be for other groups. Our fundraising efforts employ the most ethical practices and are void of pressure tactics, “the sky is falling” rhetoric, attempts to induce feelings of guilt or obligation, and other unscrupulous strategies.
LDI does not seek to become a rich organization; just an effective one. LDI will gladly stand alongside any other entity for a comparison of funds raised and spent versus accomplishments realized.
LDI leaders let the need be known in a forthright manner and faithfully wait upon God and His people to respond.

LDI will never release information about its supporters to another entity for any reason. Such information is the property of each respective donor and therefore it belongs only to that individual. LDI will never give away, trade or sell donor information to another entity for any reason whatsoever.
Donor phone numbers are never used for fundraising as we believe the practice is overly intrusive.